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Age of Blood in Children PICU (ABC PICU)

Principal Investigator(s):

Marisa Tucci

Status: Enrolment Complete

View trial on clinicaltrials.gov

See publication: The age of blood in pediatric intensive care units (ABC PICU): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

The ABC PICU study should have significant implications for blood procurement services. A relative risk reduction of 33% is postulated in the short-storage arm. If a difference is found, this will indicate that fresher RBCs do improve outcomes in the pediatric intensive care unit population and would justify that use in critically ill children.

If no difference is found, this will reassure clinicians and transfusion medicine specialists regarding the safety of the current system of allocating the oldest RBC unit in inventory and will discourage clinicians from preferentially requesting fresher blood for critically ill children.



Nicole Poitras, Lucy Clayton


Philip Spinella, Jacques Lacroix, Kusum Menon, Paul Hébert, Dean Fergusson, Alan Tinmouth, Heather Hume, Alexis Turgeon, Jaime Caro, Chris Silliman, Robert A Berg, Cassandra Josephson, Marie Steiner, Steven Sloan, Allan Doctor