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Endorsement of CCCTG Trials and Studies

CCCTG has an established process for nurturing and supporting the development, implementation and dissemination of relevant research through peer networking and collaboration. It is our core activity and our model has been adopted by other networks around the world.

Investigators typically introduce their new projects to the CCCTG by presenting at a CCCTG Scientific Meeting. This is an important early step in building support and obtaining valuable feedback from CCCTG members.

New projects presented at Scientific Meetings are considered for endorsement by CCCTG. You must be a member to present at a Scientific Meeting, and new members must engage a mentor who is a senior CCCTG member and investigator.

Grants & Manuscripts Review

The primary aim of the Grants & Manuscripts Review Committee is to create and follow a fair and transparent process that results in high quality, timely reviews of all grant and manuscript submissions related to CCCTG endorsed projects. The grant and manuscript review process is led by Stephanie Sibley and co-led by Christina Maratta.

To seek continued endorsement of CCCTG including letters of support and use of the CCCTG name, all grants and manuscripts related to projects that have received CCCTG endorsement must be submitted for internal peer review before submission to a funding program or journal. The review process is integral to the excellence of the research and success of our researchers.

If you have questions about the review process for a grant or manuscript, please contact Stephanie Sibley 

 Full details are available on the CCCTG members intranet (login required.)


Submit a grant or manuscript for review

*Visible only to logged-on members*

NEW! The Grants & Manuscripts Review Committee has introduced an intake form for all grant and manuscript reviews. To begin the review process, click the button below:



► Letters of Support

Requests for letters of support for CCCTG-endorsed projects should be sent (with a brief project summary) to Brenda Lucas. Letters of support are usually provided only for studies that have received CCCTG endorsement and have undergone Grants and Manuscripts Review.

► Authorship

The CCCTG has developed a framework to address issues of authorship of documents that emerge from endorsed studies. Please consult the CCCTG Authorship Guidelines (PDF).

► Financial Support for CCCTG Services

Grants that are awarded to CCCTG-endorsed projects must include a budget for supporting CCCTG services to the project. More information is available on the intranet.

► Diversity Metrics

CCCTG is now tracking diversity metrics of all authors on CCCTG-endorsed publications and applicants on CCCTG-endorsed grant submissions. The principal applicant on each grant and lead author on each manuscript will be directed to complete a survey and provide name and email for each co-applicant or co-author. Each co-applicant and co-author will be requested to complete a very short (< 1 minute to complete) demographic survey electronically. All data will be kept strictly confidential. This information is critical to meaningful reporting and improving inclusiveness and diversity in our processes and our research.


For distribution and promotion by CCCTG, surveys related to CCCTG-endorsed projects must also be submitted for review by the CCCTG Grants & Manuscripts Review Committee.

If surveys include socio-demographic information, investigators are encouraged to use the Demographic Information Tool available on the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion intranet page.

Please send the survey to Stephanie Sibley at 7srs2@queensu.ca and include a brief protocol/methods summary for the survey and evidence of REB approval.