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HNFO With or Without Helmet NIV for Oxygenation Support in Acute Respiratory Failure Trial (HONOUR)

Principal Investigator(s):

Damon Scales, Niall Ferguson

Status: Enrolling

This is a pilot multicentre, concealed, stratified, permuted block randomized controlled trial enrolling patients with AHRF who are admitted to the intensive care unit. Patients with imminent need for intubation, or a contraindication to study interventions will be excluded. Patients will be randomized to receive either (1) sessions of at least 12 hours per day of helmet NIV oxygen interspersed with HFNO or (2) HFNO alone over at least 2 calendar days. Participants will be followed to hospital discharge or 60 days, with an additional quality of life assessment via telephone interview 6 months after enrolment.

This RCT is part of the PRACTICAL Platform.