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Development and Evaluation of a Patient and Caregiver Centered Transitions in Care Bundle for Critically Ill Patients

Principal Investigator(s):

Kirsten Fiest

Status: In Development

Study Summary: 

Our team is reengineering the care of critically ill patients by developing and evaluating a transitions in care bundle that partners patients and their caregivers with clinicians to enhance care. This bundle is an evidence informed applied innovation, designed to standardize and improve the care of critically ill patients, customizable to individual hospital settings and scalable to different healthcare jurisdictions.

 A community of 32 patients, caregivers, clinicians, decision-makers and researchers jointly developed the priorities for the program at a planning meeting on September 10, 2018, organized across three interconnected themes of work. 


(1) Co-create a patient and caregiver centered transitions in care bundle for critically ill patients, to facilitate continuity of care across the healthcare continuum.
(2) Conduct novel research projects to inform strategies for partnering with patients and their caregivers and identify and address current knowledge gaps.
(3) Perform a pilot implementation and evaluation of the patient and caregiver centered transitions in care bundle.

After a hiatus during COVID-19 the study is back on track; we are currently finalizing the research components of the bundle while simultaneously developing the bundle with our working group.