Home / Our Initiatives/ Canadian Critical Care Research Coordinators Group/ CCCRCG Webinar Series

CCCRCG Webinar Series

Webinar login links can be accessed on the CCCRCG intranet or by contacting Katie O'Hearn. 

Upcoming Events

Time Management
Wednesday, October 23rd from 12-1 p.m. EST
Dr. Dominique Piquette
Zoom login (intranet)

How to Complete the Ventilatory Parameters in a CRF 
Wednesday, November 20th from 12-1 p.m. EST
Lori Hand
Zoom login (intranet)

Using EPIC in Critical Care Research
Wednesday, December 18th from 12-1 p.m. EST
Shellie Severson, France Clarke, TBD
Zoom login (intranet)

Past Events

To access recordings of past webinars, visit the NoN RC Working Group Template Library.