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Interactive Session: Creating a Research Coordinators’ Community of Practice

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February 15, 2023 @ 12:00 PM - 1:15 PM
Available at: Virtual Meeting
<p>The <strong>Canadian Critical Care Research Coordinators Group (CCRCG)</strong> and <strong>Network of Networks RC Working Group</strong> will host the first <em>Creating a Research Coordinators&rsquo; Community of Practice </em>interactive session on <strong>Wednesday, February 15th from 12:00 to 13:15 EST.</strong></p> <p><strong>How does the session work?</strong> During the session, you will have the chance to join 4 different breakout rooms. Each breakout room will focus on a specific research coordinator (RC) related topic. You will have 15 minutes in each breakout room to talk to other RCs from across the country, and learn from each other&rsquo;s experience. Each breakout room will have one to two hosts who will help to guide the conversation.</p> <p><strong>Who is this event for?</strong> This event is open to everyone, whether you are a brand new or experienced RC, or are not in an RC role but are interested in learning more.</p> <p><strong>About us:</strong></p> <p>The <strong><a href="https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/ccctg.us14.list-manage.com/track/click?u=b3731499f6b2437c3e2da3f75&amp;id=5e6e38e4cd&amp;e=8f6dc7301e__;!!Ibyq0D7xP3j_!uP_TPI3JlSFUg3glMJHH_5VNrqpb9vfH0LspB1mTvaG4JsD8R3qIp-WXx2qBtVRwTa2WP828oW14U47S6otfFmMYTWgv6KY$">CCCRCG</a> </strong>is a sub-group of the Canadian Critical Care Trials Group (CCCTG). Membership is comprised of Research Coordinators from across Canada who work primarily in Critical Care Research. CCCRCG members consist of Research Coordinators who work with adult and pediatric populations.</p> <p>The NoN Research Coordinator Working Group is a sub-group of the <strong><a href="https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/ccctg.us14.list-manage.com/track/click?u=b3731499f6b2437c3e2da3f75&amp;id=a4234d2f8a&amp;e=8f6dc7301e__;!!Ibyq0D7xP3j_!uP_TPI3JlSFUg3glMJHH_5VNrqpb9vfH0LspB1mTvaG4JsD8R3qIp-WXx2qBtVRwTa2WP828oW14U47S6otfFmMY8JU_y4E$">COVID-19 Network of Clinical Trials Networks (Network of Networks, NoN)</a></strong>. Led by the Canadian Critical Care Trials Group (CCCTG), the NoN is a national collaborative focused on solidifying a dynamic, responsive, nimble and durable clinical trials network in acute care. The goals of the NoN RC Working Group are to identify barriers for sites to participate in multi-centre research and develop solutions to improve the feasibility of site participation or to streamline site procedures during participation.</p> <p><strong>Registration for this event is required. Please fill out the&nbsp;</strong><a href="https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/ccctg.us14.list-manage.com/track/click?u=b3731499f6b2437c3e2da3f75&amp;id=9520545ba1&amp;e=8f6dc7301e__;!!Ibyq0D7xP3j_!uP_TPI3JlSFUg3glMJHH_5VNrqpb9vfH0LspB1mTvaG4JsD8R3qIp-WXx2qBtVRwTa2WP828oW14U47S6otfFmMYw_PCGCE$"><strong>registration form</strong></a><strong> by Friday, January 27th. </strong></p> <p>If you have questions about the event, please contact <strong><a href="mailto:kohearn@cheo.on.ca" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Katie O&rsquo;Hearn.&nbsp;</a></strong></p>

Event Details

Katie O'Hearn