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Upcoming #SepsisAwareness Event

Transforming the Trajectory of Sepsis

August 1, 2023

Date: September 13th, 2023
Location: Art Gallery of Hamilton, 123 King Street West
Time: 5:30 – 9:00 p.m. (Registration at 4:30 p.m.)

Moderated by Avis Favaro, former CTV Medical Correspondent

“Transforming the Trajectory of Sepsis” will be an open forum to facilitate meaningful and open discussions (knowledge exchange) to share research evidence on sepsis across the continuum of care. The goals are to:

  • Promote knowledge mobilization between investigators, patient partners, and members of the public;
  • Encourage patient and community involvement in sepsis research; and
  • Align sepsis research priorities to reflect the diverse needs and perspectives of Canadians.

The evening will kick off with an address about the significance of World Sepsis Day. The Hamilton Sign will then be lit up pink to signify the worldwide fight against sepsis.

For more information on this event, visit: https://www.sepsisawareness.ca/.
Eventbrite link (tickets): https://bit.ly/worldsepsisday2023 (limited tickets available!!).
Event website: https://www.sepsisawareness.ca/transforming-the-trajectory-of-sepsis

For more information, contact Fatima Sheikh and Kristine Russell at sepsisca@mcmaster.ca.


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