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Marat  Slessarev
Intensivist, Clinician-Scientist
Western University, LHSC
Research Focus:
Neuroscience, Organ Donation, Sedation

Marat Slessarev

Intensivist, Clinician-Scientist

Dr Marat Slessarev is an adult intensivist at the London Health Sciences Centre in London, Ontario, an Assistant Professor and a clinician-scientists in the Department of Medicine, Western University and a researcher with the Canadian Critical Care Trials Group. He is a Regional Medical Lead for Donation with the Ontario Health – Trillium Gift of Life Network and co-lead of Canadian Donation and Transplantation Research Program Theme 2 that aims to Inform Universal Practices for Donation.

Marat’s research is focused on innovation at the intersection of neurosciences, critical care and organ donation. He is a co-PI for CIHR, NFRF and Ontario funded Neurologic Physiology after Removal of Therapy (NeuPaRT) and Sedation of Acute care patients with Volatile anEsthetics (SAVE-ICU) programs of research, and co-leads Ontario Health (Trillium Gift of Life Network) working group coordinating research that will inform adoption of normothermic regional perfusion in Ontario.