A Guide to Building a Community Hospital Clinical Research Program
Strategies from a Multidisciplinary Front-line Perspective
Welcome! This toolkit is a collaborative effort by the members of the Community Critical and Acute Care (CCAC) Working Group of the COVID-19 Network of Networks and the Canadian Community ICU Research Network (CCIRNet) to put together a practical guide to building a community hospital research program. The guide is based on the personal experience of the working group members who are all community hospital research program leads. Although the guide is targeted towards critical care and acute care researchers, much of the information will be applicable to other areas of hospital-based research.
Who is this toolkit designed for?
This toolkit is meant to help community ICU clinicians and researchers who are looking to start or maintain a community hospital research program. It is a compilation of our experiences as community ICU researchers. It is not meant to be exhaustive or comprehensive but rather a collection of ideas and approaches for solving frequently encountered challenges.
It is designed to be a living document that will enable knowledge sharing amongst community ICU researchers. We will continue to evolve the Toolkit based on user feedback, so please don't hesitate to share your thoughts.
About the authors
This resource is developed and maintained by the Community Acute & Critical Care Working Group of the the COVID-19 Network of Clinical Trials Networks, in affiliation with the Canadian Community ICU Research Network (CCIRNet). It is supported by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR).
To learn more about the project team, please visit the Mentoring Community page, where you will find members' community ICU research profiles, as well as information about how to get in touch.